Two Swiss in Mongolia – visiting bronze age

We propose to visit the deer stones
Around lunch time, we  arrived in Mörön, flying in from Ulanbaator.
Pudje will be our driver for the next days.
We propose to visit the deer stones that are just a few kilometers away from the airport. Pudje carefully drives our car over a bumpy earth road to a dusty parking space.
About 40 stones with deer paintings
We find about 40 stones decorated with deer paintings and ornaments from the bronze age. The body of the animals is a blend of deer and bird. Their body is stretched, ends with peaks and has with wings on the back. The stones seem to have formed a ring. It must have been a place of worship.
Horse sculls within the ring
Excavation is going on. Russian and Ukrainan archaologists had found sculls of horses They explain that these sculls are from the same times as the deer stones and that they believe that they were sacrifices (жертва). Initially the archaologists were unfriendly towards us tourists that dare walk around their scientific site, but they thawed up, when I ut talked to them in Russian.
Later Ursula smiles… look, I saw immediately that these sculls are from horses, as I had to study and compare the sculls of frogs, sharks and horses at university.
Continuing to the Döltur camp
Now Pudje drives us to Khatgar and to the Döltur camp  beautifully located on the shore of the Khövsgöl lake.

One thought on “Two Swiss in Mongolia – visiting bronze age

  1. denzel says:

    wow looks amazing. Im sure you will/are having a good time there. Be safe and make it back home without a scratch.

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